Herpes is basically a sexually transmitted disease. Although sexual intercourse is not the only method of transmission. Infected needles and transfusion of affected blood also contribute. The most common symptoms of this infection are genital sores and other skin-associated ailments. People suffering from herpes should seek immediate medical attention.
Herpes has largely affected the United States. So here is the list of 15 cities with the worst herpes rate within the US-
- Atlanta- Ruling the number 1 spot in the city of Atlanta. The affected percentage has climbed up to as much as 40 percent of the sexually active population.
- Washington DC- Although the city of the most important ‘official’ buildings of the US, Washington DC houses a lot of people suffering from chronic infection.
- Chicago- Placed at the third spot, CDC (center for disease control) has published that as much as 40 percent of the sexually active population of Chicago is suffering from herpes.
- Milwaukee- The city of Milwaukee is also home to a large number of people suffering from herpes. Preventive actions are in fact need of the hour.
- Newark- The 5th and the last city to have approx. 40 percent of the sexually active are affected with herpes.
- St. Louis- Occupying the 6th spot out of the 15 announced by the CDC, ST Louis needs to take effective action against this.
- New Orleans- With an effective prevention structure, New Orleans can reduce the existing rate even more.
- Baltimore- occupies the 8th spot and should take measures to slide further down the ladder.
- Richmond- home to a lot of athletes, Richmond needs to speed up the fight against herpes.
- Oklahoma City- Currently on the 10th spot, the city of Oklahoma can reduce the affected rate to even lower percentages.
- Nashville- with an effective prevention structure, the sexually active can be made aware of the precautions and the city can easily step out of the top 15.
- Memphis- currently placed in the 12th spot by the CDC, Memphis has all the ability to come back strong as ever.
- Detroit- The automobile city of the US has to put up an effective system wherein the sexually active are effectively prevented from the disease.
- Birmingham- occupying the second last spot i.e. the 14th spot, all this city needs is a little more effort.
- Norfolk- Currently at the last out of the 15, Norfolk city will have to watch out for reducing the percentage.
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